Note: Like "there is no limit to what political parties may spend to promote their overall electoral prospects", there is no limit to the honesty of BJP and Congress either. In response to this article BJP is going to post all the details of funds it has got in cash and through cheque on its website. Can Congress do it?
Gopal Krishna
Gopal Krishna
What money can buy
Siddharth Varadarajan,
Economic Times, April 30 2014
Economic Times, April 30 2014
The 2014 election is a reminder
of the one big loophole in India’s election rules designed to favour parties
backed by the rich: While individual candidates are not allowed to spend more
than Rs. 54-70 lakh, there is no limit to what political parties may
spend to promote their overall electoral prospects.
Parties are only obliged
to report their expenditure on general election propaganda to the Election
Commission within 90 days of the Lok Sabha election ending. The EC has the
right to verify the reported figures but can levy sanctions only if some of
that 'general' expenditure was incurred to support individual candidates.
Compare this to Britain,
whose election system India broadly follows.
There, a candidate can
spend somewhere between GBP 10,500-12,000 (i.e. , Rs 10.5-11.8 lakh) depending
on the size and location of constituencies. In addition, a party's 'national
campaign' spending is also capped at GBP 30,000 per constituency,
or an upper limit of 19.5 million GBP (approximately Rs. 195 crore) for a party
contesting every one of the 650 seats in the House of Commons.
In the last British
general election, all parties together spent GBP 31 million (Rs 310
crore approximately) in their national campaign. By way of
comparison, the BJP alone spent Rs 448.66 crore in
the 2009 Lok Sabha election while the Congress too spent a massive Rs
380.04 crore.
While the British and
Indian caps cannot readily be compared -- India has larger, but Britain has
more, constituencies, and the cost structure of the two economies is totally
different – India’s failure to limit what parties can spend on general
propaganda has given big money power a huge role in our elections.
Indications are that the
amount being spent in the 2014 Lok Sabha election, especially by the BJP, runs
to a figure at least ten times higher than five years ago. One estimate pegs the BJP's advertising
spend across all media including hoardings at a staggering Rs 5,000
crore. That’s just a bit less than the Rs 6,000 crore -- roughly $1 billion
the Obama campaign spent under all heads in the 2012 US presidential
election! Once other expenses are added, the overall BJP budget will exceed
What impact will the
deployment of money on this scale have not just on the election outcome and the
policies of the next government but on the future course of Indian democracy?
Back in 1974, the Supreme
Court in the Amar Nath Chawla case recognised
the principle that election expenditure must be limited in order to ensure
equality between candidates and to "eliminate as far as possible, the
influence of big money in the electoral process." Though it did not set a
limit, it ruled that "some limitative ceiling" on expenditure for
general party propaganda during elections "is eminently desirable".
The court saw the remote,
top-down nature of electoral politics as the culprit. "If there is continuous
community involvement in political administration punctuated by activated
phases of well-discussed choice of candidates by popular participation in the
process of nomination, much of unnecessary expenditure which is incurred today
could be avoided... Large campaign funds would not be able to influence the
decision of the electors if the selection and election of candidates become
people's decisions by discussion and not a Hobson's choice offered by political
If election expenditure
were not limited, it said, political parties "would go all out for
collecting contributions and obviously the largest contributions would be from
the rich and affluent who constitute but a fraction of the electorate. The
pernicious influence of big money would then play a decisive role in
controlling the democratic process in the country."
This is precisely what is
happening with the corporate sector now fully into the act, making both open
and hidden contributions. Last month, the Delhi High Court found the Congress and
BJP guilty of illegally accepting money from the UK-based firm, Vedanta. Those
payments were made by cheque, but cash is still king because it is untraceable.
In 2009, cash accounted for 75 per cent of the money raised by the Congress and
half of that of the BJP.
In 1943, even before
India was free, Babasaheb Ambedkar spoke of the danger posed by the
fusion of capital and politics: “These days, with the Press in hand,
it is easy to manufacture great men,” he noted caustically -- and presciently.
“In establishing their supremacy” our great men “have taken the aid of big
business and money magnates. For the first time in our country, money is taking
the field as an organised power.”
Seventy years on, the
influence of big money has grown exponentially. Yet there is little recognition
of the damage this is doing to the integrity of our electoral process. The
biggest national and regional parties have a vested interest in allowing the
status quo to continue. Change will come only when the ‘aam aadmi’
realizes this is what is keeping him out of power.
(Siddharth Varadarajan is
a Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Affairs and Critical Theory, New Delhi)
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