In view of certain comments being made in social media criticizing Mr. Kuldip Nayar’s visit to Amritsar stating that he is campaigning for Arun Jaitly, we the undersigned met Mr. Nayar today evening.
Mr. Nayar told us that his visit to Amritsar was a private affair for about a day i.e. he went to Amritsar on 17th and returned on 18th April. He did meet Arun Jaitly but he neither addressed any public meeting nor met the press nor made any public appeal.
However Barkha Dutt of NDTV met Mr. Nayar in the hotel room where he was staying and requested for his bite. She asked questions about BJP, Modi and Arun Jaitly. Mr. Nayar commented that BJP is a communal and divisive party and it would not be good for the country if BJP comes to power.
About Jaitly he said that he has a good reputation, he is well read, he is best candidate, that he was with him imprisoned in Tihar jail during emergency and that he is a family member. About Narendra Modi he commented that Modi is a collateral damage and some other unpalatable remarks. However the part of the interview where Mr. Nayar dubbed BJP as communal and divisive party and not good to assume power and the other unpalatable remarks was not telecast for reasons best known to the NDTV.
Barkha Dutt in her introductory comments said that there were persons who were backing Arun Jaitly without backing the party and mentioned Mr. Nayar as one of those persons who was in town to support Mr. Jaitly. Such comments were introduced later on while preparing the 59 minutes report telecast on 18th April,2014 captioned as “The Amritsar Paradox” in which Mr. Nayar’s bite was only for 24 seconds, and it seems to have created an impression that Mr. Nayar was there in the town campaigning for Arun Jaitly.
To our knowledge not a single print media paper or any other channel except NDTV has referred to Mr. Kuldip Nayar’s visit to Amritsar which in fact was a private visit. Mr. Nayar’s views about BJP and Narendra Modi are well known which continuously find expression in his writings, though he does entertain affectionate feelings towards Arun Jaitly for the last about 40 years.
We the undersigned are pained to read certain comments being made against Mr.Nayar in social media about his visit to Amritsar which in our opinion are distorted, uncalled for, unwarranted and injustice to a person who has all throughout his life been fighting against communal and obscurantist forces.
N.D.Pancholi (9811099532)
20th April,2014 Anil Sinha (9968777158 ) (
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