Tuesday, March 1, 2016

PF taxed!Transaction tax introduced. It is FDI strategy all the way! It is Chandmari against workers and employees and the peasantry is used as cover it.Once it is passed as law with the financial bill,it would be the same story of disinvestment and FDI which might be extended time and again! epf, ppf Palash Biswas

PF  taxed!Transaction tax introduced. It is FDI strategy all the way!

It is Chandmari against workers and employees and the peasantry is used as cover it.Once it is passed as law with the financial bill,it would be the same story of disinvestment and FDI which might be extended time and again!

epf, ppf

Palash Biswas

PF is taxed!

Transaction tax introduced.

Once it is passed as law with the financial bill,it would be the same story of disinvestment and FDI which might be extended time and again!

However, the government claims that PPF remains tax exempt; EPF interest post April 1 to be taxed!

What an eye washing!

 They speak Hindutva for the agenda of total Privatization.

Now they stand with the peasantry to kill both the birds,the Peasantry as well as the working class including the employees.

It is yet another partition ploy to intensify ethnic cleansing.

Jal Jangal Jameen se bedakhali Jaari hai.

Harvestiong in India has become disastrous as agrarian crisis is elevated to the sky with free flow of foreign capital and foreign interest thanks to the Desh Bhakta Hindutva Biradari.

Whoever speaks against this genocide culture is simply charged with Sedition.

No one spared.

Not even a Chief Minister of an Indian State,Delhi,Arvind Keriwal!

Not even the vice president of Congress.

Not even the General Seretary of Communist Party of India Marxist.

So no one should lodge dissent against anti people governance of fascism as protest against governance is branded as Sedition.

It is ABSOLUTE Power!

It is ADHARNA all the way!

It is immoral all the way

It is against humanity!

It is against Nature!

It is against science!

It is against knowledge!

Every scream is branded as Sedition!

Civic and human right suspended sine die!

Right to information denied!

Freedom of speech deleted!

Fundamental rights do not stand!

Conscience is curbed.

ASATYAMEV Jayate all on the name of Hindutva!


In these circumstances,ironically,the most organised sector of working class and employees have been selected as target.

The Dow Chemicals Lawyer and his Bagula Bhagat experts do die to introduce transaction tax so tehe taxation would be SAMARAS.

It should be flat and the masses should bear the burden of taxation.

This budget has introduced transaction tax as a pilot project.

 Transaction would be taxed if it is over two lac.

The limit would vansih very soon as the FDI limits vanished all the way.

Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia said the Budget proposal to tax 60 per cent of employee provident fund (EPF) withdrawal will affect less than one-fifth of employees with high salaries.

Never mind,it is also a pilot project once it is successful with due legislation the rest would be taxed as well.

Mind you,the Budget is the trap which means merciless hunting separating the working class and employees from the rest of masses.

As this class has already been uprooted and has no link with the masses,no common men or women would stand with them in the Killing scenario.

Thus,the most honest taxpayers have been sacrificed to showcase making in and it would be Sukhilala`s wold all the way.

Seeking to dispel fears of the salaried class, the government today said PPF will not be taxed on withdrawal and only the interest that accrues on contributions to employee provident fund made after April 1 will be taxed while principal will continue to be tax exempt. 

In an interview to PTI, Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia said the Budget proposal to tax 60 per cent of employee provident fund (EPF) withdrawal will affect less than one-fifth of employees with high salaries.  

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