Sunday, March 6, 2016

CPDR Condemns the Open Threats to Kanhaiya Kumar and Demands Immediate Arrest of the Culprits

CPDR Condemns the Open Threats to Kanhaiya Kumar and Demands Immediate Arrest of the Culprits

Today certain Kuldeep Varshney, Badaun district chief of the Bhartiya Janta Yuva Morcha has openly announced a "prize money" of Rs 5 lakh to anyone who "cuts off the tongue" of Jawaharalal Nehru University (JNU) students' union presidnet Kanhaiya Kumar. He had temerity to appear on television and boast of his threat. Posters reportedly in the name of Purvanchal Sena were seen at various places across the national capital offering Rs 11 lakh to "kill" the JNU student leader. 

The Police had arrested Kanhaiya Kumar and incarcerated him for 23 days without an iota of evidence. The sedition law as the Supreme Court holds could be applied only when there is an incitement to imminent violence. While the so called anti-national slogans in JNU did not have any such content to incite violence, as a matter of fact after those slogans were shouted there was nothing that happened in the campus over two days before the Police pounced upon the students. On the contrary, the various organizations and outfits belonging to the Sangh Pariwar have been threatening people around who do not agree with them not only with death threats but they have actually killed people like Dr Narendra Dabholkar, Comrade Govind Pansare, and Dr Kulbargi just to name the more prominent ones. They have been using the fig leaf of nationalism and patriotism, the term that do not have any meaning either in the Constitution or in law. In law, on the contrary, the Hindutva slogans are clearly divisive of the polity that has palpable threat to national unity and integrity and therefore seditious. They not only speak of violence, they have been inciting and executing violence on streets. While the poor JNU students could never go beyond sloganeering, the Hindutva goons in lawyers' attire have actually executed violence in utter disregard of the court and hence the Constitution. They had issued a threat that if court grants Kanhaiya Kumar a bail, they would kill him. The temerity of these criminals has been in public glare.

CPDR wants the draconian laws like sedition should go. But if at all the law of sedition, as it stand on statutes, is to be applied, the apt cases to apply are the blatant threats of Kuldeep Varshney and many of their ilk. They are threatening the essential idea of India and materially damaging the unity and integrity of this country which lies in its diversity.

CPDR demands

·         Kuldeep Varshney should be immediately arrested under the Sedition

·         The cowards of the so called Purwanchal Sena should be identified, arrested and tried under sedition

·         All the criminals who indulged in violence in Patiala House court premises and the lawyers who had issued a threat that they would kill Kanhaiya if the court granted him bail should be arrested and tried under the sedition Act

·         Kanhaiya Kumar should be provided with appropriate security until the election results of the forthcoming five states are completed

·         Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya should be released immediately

·         All the draconian laws like Sedition, UAPA, AFSPA, etc do not have a place in republican democracy and should be immediately repealed.


Anand Teltumbde 

General Secretary

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