Monday, June 22, 2015

70th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism!

70th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism!

Much is written and spoken about WW1 and WW2 - yet it is truly staggering how few people, and particularly how few British Workers, really understand the causes and significance of this struggle, in which 60 million workers gave their lives.

The imperialists (Britain, France, USA, Germany, Japan...) fought, and many millions died to preserve and enforce the wage and colonial slavery of the capitalist class. They fought for slaves and booty and nothing more.

And yet by their masterful leadership, bold strategy and heroic courage and self-sacrifice, the Soviet Union and international communist movement, won world-historic victories which not only preserved their hard won socialist nation, but brought into being a swath of socialist democracies across Europe and Asia, invigorated the anti-colonial struggle, and decisively shifted the balance of power in favour of working people on a global scale.

The victories won by the Soviet Union changed and shaped our world, and all workers should not only know these episode in our history, but we should be truly proud of these earth shattering achievements made by our class, which herald the bright new world we are capable of bringing into being.

Please join us for the Stalin Society meeting Tomorrow, Sunday June 21 @ 2pm
Main Presentation: 1918 Finnish Revolution
Marchmont Centre, 62 Marchmont St, London WC1N 1AB

Harpal Brar, Chairman of the CPGB-ML speaks on the significance of the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Victory over Fascism. Much is written and spoken about ...
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