Sunday, October 18, 2015

Social Movement Party SMP Press Conference on 19-10-2015

THE EDITOR/MEDIA-INCHARGE,                         Ref. No.: - 019/SMP/NL/2015.
__________________________                                                    Date: - 18th of October, 2015.
Sub: -  Invitation to cover the "PRESS CONFERENCE" on the issue of "RESERVATION IN PROFASSIONAL COLLEGES & DIRECT RECRUITMENTS, PROMOTIONS AND BACKLOG QUOTA - WITH RESPECT TO SCs, STs & OBCs IN THE STATE OF J&K VIS-À-VIS CENTER" in the Press Club, Jammu on Monday, 19-10-2015 at 11:30 a.m.
            A "PRESS CONFERENCE" on the issue of "RESERVATION IN PROFASSIONAL COLLEGES & DIRECT RECRUITMENTS, PROMOTIONS AND BACKLOG QUOTA - WITH RESPECT TO SCs, STs & OBCs IN THE STATE OF J&K VIS-À-VIS CENTER" is being organized by the SMP in the Press Club, Jammu on Monday, 19-10-2015 at 11:30 a.m. You are hereby kindly requested to depute your Press Reporters / Correspondents / Press Representatives for the coverage of the said PRESS - CONFERENCE.
Highly obliged, as always we are!!

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