Monday, August 10, 2015

Call to Action: Observe Kandhamal

CC News Letter 09 August - Call to Action: Observe Kandhamal

Dear Friend,

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Why Are They Hounding Teesta Setalvad Now?
By K.P. Sasi

Today, Teesta Setalvad has become a symbol of human rights in India. For if Teesta Setalvad is imprisoned, any human rights activist or group can be imprisoned on any grounds. And if human rights activists are silenced, justice for the minorities, Dalits, Adivasis and other marginalised communities and thousands of people's movements will become a distant dream. It is so apparent that the Indian State is in a conscious effort to clean up: To build a `Swatch Bharat' where there is no dissent! Watch your doorstep!

The Need For A New Economic System, Part 4 Neocolonialism And Resource Wars
By John Scales Avery

Present economic system produces an endless series of resource-motivated wars. In addition to the enormous suffering, waste, injustice and ecological destruction produced by modern wars, we must recognize that in an era of thermonuclear weapons, war has become prohibitively dangerous. Therefore we need a new economic system

70 Years of Korean War
By David Swanson

It was the day after the death blow to Nagasaki, 70 years ago, that the victors of the most awesomest war ever chose to create a division of Korea along the 38th parallel -- a line that would be revered as a holy thing when North Korean troops later came across it, but dismissed as "imaginary" when U.S. troops crossed it heading north

Ukraine Bans 14 'Artists,' Mainly Russians, As 'Threat To National Security'
By Eric Zuesse

On Saturday, August 8th, Ukraine's Interfax News Service announced that the Security Bureau of Ukraine had just issued, on Friday, a list of 14 'artists' (mainly Russian actors) who 'pose a threat to Ukraine's national security.' The Ukrainian State Film Agency is, under Ukrainian law, now prohibited from authorizing or allowing distribution of their films or other works. These artists are thus officially banned

Youth In America, Russia And China
By Jon Kofas

While 93% of Chinese believe their country has a bright future, 67% believe they will become businesspeople. This level of optimism is the highest in the world, while Russia lags China in optimism but it is well ahead of the US with about 70% of Russian youth indicating they will be about the same or better off in the future. Whether for or against Putin youth organizations have a greater sense of shaping their future from within or outside the system. The Chinese are also optimistic about controlling their destiny within the new system. Similar trends are absent among American youth have yielded to resignation or conformity with only small groups defying the institutional structure at the root of injustice in society. Considering the US has a long tradition of believing it is in charge of its own destiny and that of the world, we see that trend in decline across the board and among America's youth

Observe Kandhamal Day! Preserve Justice, Peace And Harmony!
Protect Indian Constitution!
By National Solidarity Forum

We appeal to all secular, democratic and peace loving citizens of this country to remember August 25, 2008 as a day which the largest democracy called India should not have witnessed. We appeal to you to organize public meetings, seminars, protests and other forms of campaigns so that `No More Kandhamal' will be repeated in Indian History. We appeal to you to organize events for one week around August 25, 2015 to mark the memory of Kandhamal. We appeal to you to express solidarity to the struggle of the people of Kandhamal, in order to provide adequate pressure on the governmental institutions to provide justice for the victims and survivors

Perpetuating Deprivation And Injustice:
Plantation Programs In Violation Of Forest Rights Act
By Sanghamitra Dubey

In parts of Khammam district in Telengana, massive plantations are being carried out on podu (shifting cultivation) fields under the Haritha Haraam Afforestation scheme of the state government without recognizing the rights of the cultivators under the Forest rights Act (FRA). This is in violation of FRA by the plantation and forestry departments of the state. There are some specific cases found in Kandhamal and Bolangir districts of Odisha where massive plantation program(Teak, rubber, tissue culture banana , etc) is carried out by the forest department convergence with MGNREGA over the forest land and podu land. The plantations are done in cultivable land of the right holders

Sufism: Positive And Negative Dimensions
By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

In order to promote love and understanding between Muslims and others and to remove the misunderstandings about Islam that abound, it is important to highlight the spiritual and humane aspects of Islam. This spiritual dimension of Islam is called Sufism, or Tasawwuf

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