Friday, July 17, 2015

অমিতাভ ঘোষের এই সাক্ষাৎকার কাল শুনছিলাম। আর ভাবছিলাম, অমর্ত্য সেনের মতো তাঁকেও কেউ কুচি কুচি করে কাটতে বলবে না তো? এখন অব্দি যদিও সেরকম সংবাদ নেই..

অমিতাভ ঘোষের এই সাক্ষাৎকার কাল শুনছিলাম। আর ভাবছিলাম, অমর্ত্য সেনের মতো তাঁকেও কেউ কুচি কুচি করে কাটতে বলবে না তো? এখন অব্দি যদিও সেরকম সংবাদ নেই..."If you make it a rule that anyone who has anything critical to say about the nature of anything that's happening in this country, what do we have left of free speech," asked renowned author Amitav Ghosh saying the way Modi government has made the functioning of NGOs and green activists difficult is "very worrying". Calling Modi government "Congress on steroids" he said that one could see the continuities between UPA and NDA but the current government had gone after NGOs in a public way. Talking of free speech he said that in India the space for free speech is shrinking. "There are so many that we cannot articulate in India right now", he said. Mr Ghosh also speaks on the government's plans to promote yoga, Sanskrit, and why his vision for the future is "completely different" from that of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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