Friday, January 10, 2025

URL of Asset Declaration of BPSC office bearers, officials non-functional

After Supreme Court's refusal to hear a petition alleging leak of question papers, gross irregularities and demanding re-test of the 70th examination of Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) and embargo on publication of result till the re-test is held, Pappu Kumar, Sheikhpura, Sandeep Kumar Singh, East Champaran, Ravish Kumar Raj, Gaya, Himanshu Raj, Rohtas, Subhash Kumar Thakur, Muzaffarpur, Khushi Kumari, Khagaria, Gautam Kumar, Nalanda, Rajan Kumar Tiwari, Aurangabad, Deepak Kumar, Muzaffarpur, Chandan Kumar, Supaul, Deepshikha, Muzaffarpur, Satyam Raj, Nalanda, Vivek Kumar, Patna and Akash Anand, Araria have filed a civil writ in the Patna High Court against the State of Bihar, the Principal Secretary, General Administration Department, BPSC, Secretary, BPSC, and Examination Controller, BPSC. Its current listing position shows that it is before Justice Arvind Singh Chandel, for admission on January 15, 2025. The petition has narrated the details of the allegations of irregularities by a large number of students and their indefinite strike in Patna, and the satyagrah in support of the demand of student job seekers for re-test.  On January 7, 2025, Supreme Court had asked the petitioners to first approach the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. BPSC came into existence from April 1, 1949. It is a Constitutional Body under Article 315 of the Constitution of India.

A bitter protest of job seeker students is underway in Patna against apparent irregularities in the 70th Combined Preliminary Examination of BPSC, poor quality of question paper, the similarities between the questions in the exam and model papers from coaching institutes demanding a complete cancellation of the exam and a re-conduct of the examination.

Bihar's prestige has suffered a set back because of student protest outside Bihar Bhawan in Delhi on December 28, 2024 against lathi-charge on BPSC aspirants in Patna. It all began with the September 2024 advertisement for one of the largest vacancies in recent years for the BPSC examination for which 483,000 candidates applied, 325,000 appeared for the exam for 2,031 positions, including 200 SDMs, 136 DSPs, and other gazetted officer posts held on December 13, 2024, between 12 PM and 2 PM, with candidates answering 150 questions on general knowledge. There was disturbance at the Bapu Pariksha Parisar (Bapu Examination Complex), Patna under administrative control of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), where the question papers were delayed on December 13, 2024 because of which BPSC re-conducted the exam for 12,000 candidates from this centre on January 4, 2025.

Parmar Ravi Manubhai is the Chairman, BPSC since March 16, 2024. BPSC members are: Prof. Deepti Kumari, Dr. Arun Kumar Bhagat, Nawal Kishore, Sarb Narayan Yadaw and Yashaspati Mishra. BPSC Secretary is Satya Prakash Sharma. BPSC Examination Controller is Satya Prakash Sharma. The other officials of BPSC are Rajesh Kumar Singh, Additional Secretary, Kundan Kumar, Joint Secretary, Amitav Sinha, Joint Secretary, Smt Manju Tiwari, Joint Secretary, Samir Kumar Sinha, Deputy Secretary, Rajnish Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Pradeep Kumar, Under Secretary, Sanjay Kumar Mishra, Under Secretary, Dilip Kumar, Under Secretary, Awadhesh Kumar Jha, Under Secretary, Elias Bilung, Under Secretary, Sanjay Kumar, Under Secretary,  Ranjit Kumar, Under Secretary, Prashant Kumar, Under Secretary, Anil Kumar, Under Secretary and Smt. Anju Rani, Under Secretary.  

Prior to Parmar Ravi Manubhai, BPSC had Imteyaz Ahmad Karimi as the Acting Chairman from February 19, 2024 till February 26, 2024. Karimi was the chairman for less than a month. Subsequent to Karimi, Prof. Deepti Kumari was the Acting Chairman  during February 27, 2024-March 15, 2024. She was the second acting woman chairman for a brief period of less than a month. Prior to her Dr. (Prof.) Razia Tabassum was the acting chairman during March 27, 2003-July 29, 2004. Before Karimi, Atul Prasad was a full time Chairman during August 5, 2022-February 12, 2024.

During 1994-2010, BPSC has been subject of at least 105 cases in which judgements have been delivered. It is inexplicable as to why the judgements delivered after 2010 have not been included in the list.

It all began with the September 2024 advertisement for one of the largest vacancies in recent years for the BPSC exam for which 483,000 candidates applied, 325,000 appeared for the exam for 2,031 positions, including 200 SDMs, 136 DSPs, and other gazetted officer posts held on December 13, 2024, between 12 PM and 2 PM, with candidates answering 150 questions on general knowledge. There was disturbance at the Bapu Pariksha Parisar (Bapu Examination Complex), Patna under administrative control of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), where the question papers were delayed on December 13, 2024 because of which BPSC re-conducted the exam for 12,000 candidates from this centre on January 4, 2025.

Notably, the url for Asset Declaration of BPSC chairman, members and officials- is non-functional.    

The leak of the question paper of teachers recruitment examinations held by BPSC in 2023 had led to the arrest of several people for appearing in the examinations on behalf of the candidates after promising hefty money for their ‘cooperation’.

There is a compelling logic for removal of the taint of suspicion from the examination process by re- examination 

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