Aaghaz-e-Dosti announced for inviting paintings from students of India & Pakistan for 4th Annual Indo-Pak Peace Calendar. Like every year, 6 best paintings from India and Pakistan (6 from each) will be selected to be published in the form of calendar to mark 365 days of Peace.
In recent years, Indo-Pak Peace Calendars received much popularity among people and activists of both sides and even newspaper Op-ed were written on this calendar in addition to reports by many popular media houses. These calendars also include messages of renowned persons from India and Pakistan.
Last year, Indo-Pak Peace Calendar was launched at New Delhi (India International Centre) , Panipat, Nasik, Chandigarh in India and Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar in Pakistan. Many eminent persons and students were participated in these launch. Also, more than 500 people opted for Indo-Pak Peace Calendars through online requests. Aaghaz-e-Dosti has also provided calendars to Zindagi channel on their demand to be distributed among their staff.
Aaghaz-e-Dosti is again here with its commitment towards bringing Peace in the region and developing an understanding about importance of peace. Indo-Pak Peace Calendar is one of the major initiative of Aaghaz-e-Dosti in addition to various others such as Aman Chaupals (Regular sessions in schools), Peace Education Workshops (AeD's specially designed workshops), Friends Beyond Borders (An online Peace education course) and other activities . Aaghaz-e-Dosti is also the only initiative that issued detailed list of Indo-Pak prisoners in each other's jails. Initiative has also received recognition of 'One of the best project' in 'South Asia' for 'Advocacy' and 'Best use of Social Media'.
We appeal all of you, who believe in spreading idea of peace and bringing peace -in-action, to forward this mail to others in your network , specially to organisations, schools, teachers, students , so that they can ensure participation in this major peace program through their paintings.
if you are an organisation, you can also facilitate us to launch this calendar in your city.
For details about Indo-Pak Peace Calendar, Pl
visit: https://indopakcalendar.wordpress.com/
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