Tuesday, August 11, 2015



I am moved by the response from different parts of the country and from outside the country to my article/paper (circulated through PMARC) on the SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act Amendment Bill 2014 which was passed in the Lok Sabha on 4.8.2015 and about further tasks, of which the first step is  to get the Bill passed in the Rajya Sabha.  You have all expressed the desire and anxiety to get the Bill passed in the Rajya Sabha in this session itself, a desire and anxiety which I also share.
2.         I am writing this to keep you informed about the efforts I have made after the 4th August  in my personal behalf and also on behalf of the National Coalition for Strengthening the POA Act, of which I am the Chief Advisor, and on behalf of the Dalit and Adivasi community all over India and abroad.
            (a)        I have spoken to Hon'ble Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot on 4.8.2015 after the Lok Sabha passed the Bill and today (11.8.2015 ).  I conveyed to him our hope and anxiety that the Bill will be moved and got passed by him in the Rajya Sabha within the remaining three days of this session.  He has promised to do his best.  I have no doubt about his personal sincerity.  I have also sent him an e-mail on this on 7.8.2015 and again on 10.8.2015.
            (b)        I have spoken to Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, Hon'ble Minister, to help earlier, and again today.  He has promised to do his best. I have also sent him an e-mail on 10.8.2015.
            You may be aware that he has been one of the foremost leaders in the struggle for Dalit, Adivasis and Minority rights. 
            (c)        Another Minister, who is important in the process, is the Hon'ble Minister for Parliamentary Affairs who has to help in including the Bill in the List of business for the Rajya Sabha in the remaining days and to schedule its consideration and voting. I have sent him an e-mail on 10.8.2015 and am again trying to get it conveyed personally to him.
            (d)        I have spoken to and e-mailed Com Sitaram Yechury,  General Secretary of the CPI(M), Com. D. Raja, National Secretary, CPI, and Shri K. Raju,  President, SC Department of the Congress, to help and support the Bill.
            Their attitude is positive. 
3.         Shri Ramesh Nathan, Convenor of the National Coalition for Strengthening the POA Act  and other active workers of the Coalition are also making their efforts.
4.         While no stone is left unturned, and while we keep hope alive, we have also to keep our fingers crossed until what we are trying for is actually achieved.  This is not in our hands, except to make all-out efforts.
5.         If we succeed in getting the Bill through the Rajya Sabha, we will have to move to the next step of closely following and getting every provision in the Bill actually implemented fully and without dilution or delay in the field, which is a painstaking task which all of us have to attend to.  I shall share with you my views and suggestions about it after this session is over and hopefully after the Bill is passed.
6.         If unfortunately, inspite of our efforts, we do not succeed in getting the Bill  passed in  the Rajya Sabha in the remaining three days, we will have to and we shall continue our efforts without respite.   
7.         There are also many other measures –  legislative  as well as programmatic / schematic   –  which are necessary for reaching the goal of  Social Equality –  i.e., Equality for Dalit and Adivasis with the Socially Advanced Castes (SACs) or the Non-SC, non-ST, non-BC castes (NSCTBCS) in all parameters of development and life  – through comprehensive measures of Social Justice and will have to be undertaken by the Government.  I have listed them and have been communicating them since a number of years to Governments, ruling Parties and major parties in the Opposition.  I shall be happy to furnish a copy of my Notes containing these measures to anyone who desires to have it, on request. I can be contacted by e-mail atpskrishnan63@yahoo.com  by phone at 9810109596 or 0124-2388760 or my Assistant Shri Shaji's email shajincbc@gmail.comor mobile 9810985088.
(P. S. Krishnan)
Former Secretary to Government of India,
Ministry of Welfare;
Advisor (with Cabinet Minister status), Government of Telangana (BC Welfare)
Member, National Monitoring Committee for
 Education of SCs, STs and Persons with Disabilities,
 Government of India.
Member, National Commission for SCs and STs
Special Commissioner for SCs and STs
Member-Secretary, National Commission for Backward Classes
Member, Expert Committee on Backward Classes
Chairman, Dr. Ambedkar Foundation Research Cell
Member, Working Group for Sanitation and Leather Workers
Advisor, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India
Chairman, Sub-Group on "Perspective Planning for Development of SCs" of the
      Planning Commission's Working Group on SCs in the XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Working Group on Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Steering Committee on Empowerment of SCs, BCs,
 Nomadic & Semi-Nomadic Tribes and VJs in XII Plan.Friends,
I am moved by the response from different parts of the country and from outside the country to my article/paper (circulated through PMARC) on the SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act Amendment Bill 2014 which was passed in the Lok Sabha on 4.8.2015 and about further tasks, of which the first step is  to get the Bill passed in the Rajya Sabha.  You have all expressed the desire and anxiety to get the Bill passed in the Rajya Sabha in this session itself, a desire and anxiety which I also share.
2.         I am writing this to keep you informed about the efforts I have made after the 4th August  in my personal behalf and also on behalf of the National Coalition for Strengthening the POA Act, of which I am the Chief Advisor, and on behalf of the Dalit and Adivasi community all over India and abroad.
            (a)        I have spoken to Hon'ble Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot on 4.8.2015 after the Lok Sabha passed the Bill and today (11.8.2015 ).  I conveyed to him our hope and anxiety that the Bill will be moved and got passed by him in the Rajya Sabha within the remaining three days of this session.  He has promised to do his best.  I have no doubt about his personal sincerity.  I have also sent him an e-mail on this on 7.8.2015 and again on 10.8.2015.
            (b)        I have spoken to Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, Hon'ble Minister, to help earlier, and again today.  He has promised to do his best. I have also sent him an e-mail on 10.8.2015.
            You may be aware that he has been one of the foremost leaders in the struggle for Dalit, Adivasis and Minority rights. 
            (c)        Another Minister, who is important in the process, is the Hon'ble Minister for Parliamentary Affairs who has to help in including the Bill in the List of business for the Rajya Sabha in the remaining days and to schedule its consideration and voting. I have sent him an e-mail on 10.8.2015 and am again trying to get it conveyed personally to him.
            (d)        I have spoken to and e-mailed Com Sitaram Yechury,  General Secretary of the CPI(M), Com. D. Raja, National Secretary, CPI, and Shri K. Raju,  President, SC Department of the Congress, to help and support the Bill.
            Their attitude is positive. 
3.         Shri Ramesh Nathan, Convenor of the National Coalition for Strengthening the POA Act  and other active workers of the Coalition are also making their efforts.
4.         While no stone is left unturned, and while we keep hope alive, we have also to keep our fingers crossed until what we are trying for is actually achieved.  This is not in our hands, except to make all-out efforts.
5.         If we succeed in getting the Bill through the Rajya Sabha, we will have to move to the next step of closely following and getting every provision in the Bill actually implemented fully and without dilution or delay in the field, which is a painstaking task which all of us have to attend to.  I shall share with you my views and suggestions about it after this session is over and hopefully after the Bill is passed.
6.         If unfortunately, inspite of our efforts, we do not succeed in getting the Bill  passed in  the Rajya Sabha in the remaining three days, we will have to and we shall continue our efforts without respite.   
7.         There are also many other measures –  legislative  as well as programmatic / schematic   –  which are necessary for reaching the goal of  Social Equality –  i.e., Equality for Dalit and Adivasis with the Socially Advanced Castes (SACs) or the Non-SC, non-ST, non-BC castes (NSCTBCS) in all parameters of development and life  – through comprehensive measures of Social Justice and will have to be undertaken by the Government.  I have listed them and have been communicating them since a number of years to Governments, ruling Parties and major parties in the Opposition.  I shall be happy to furnish a copy of my Notes containing these measures to anyone who desires to have it, on request. I can be contacted by e-mail atpskrishnan63@yahoo.com  by phone at 9810109596 or 0124-2388760 or my Assistant Shri Shaji's email shajincbc@gmail.comor mobile 9810985088.
(P. S. Krishnan)
Former Secretary to Government of India,
Ministry of Welfare;
Advisor (with Cabinet Minister status), Government of Telangana (BC Welfare)
Member, National Monitoring Committee for
 Education of SCs, STs and Persons with Disabilities,
 Government of India.
Member, National Commission for SCs and STs
Special Commissioner for SCs and STs
Member-Secretary, National Commission for Backward Classes
Member, Expert Committee on Backward Classes
Chairman, Dr. Ambedkar Foundation Research Cell
Member, Working Group for Sanitation and Leather Workers
Advisor, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India
Chairman, Sub-Group on "Perspective Planning for Development of SCs" of the
      Planning Commission's Working Group on SCs in the XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Working Group on Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Steering Committee on Empowerment of SCs, BCs,
 Nomadic & Semi-Nomadic Tribes and VJs in XII Plan.
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