Wednesday, August 12, 2015

JIH Wants Govt. to Regulate Internet to Stop All Online Pornography

JIH Wants Govt. to Regulate Internet to Stop All Online Pornography
Posted on 12 August 2015 by Khalid
porn ban
New Delhi, Aug. 11, 2015: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has strongly appealed to the government of India not to abandon its basic responsibility of safe-guarding the moral fiber of society. Vice-President Nusrat Ali said that: "After deciding to block all pornographic content from the internet, the government suddenly wilted under pressure from some quarters and has now confined itself to blocking only those sites which display child porn. This is regrettable as it is the bounden duty of every government to protect the interests of its citizens especially the moral character of the younger generation. Our youth will fall prey to these evils if not stopped at its roots and the resulting moral decadence and sexual anarchy is bound to sap the vital energies of our nation."
He drew the attention of the government that liberal countries like the UK and the UAE block all pornographic material at the ISP level through filters and proxy servers and so there is no dearth of technology to accomplish this task. Nusrat Ali also disagreed with the comment by Attorney-General Mukul Rohatgi that: "Somebody wants to watch porn in the privacy of his room, can we prevent that?"
Nusrat Ali also said: "Jamaat believes that all pornography including child porn is a blot on society and a grave dishonor to human dignity. Alcohol and pornography have a direct relation with the rise in sexual crimes against women and children in India and the government must come out heavily against these forces who are trying to weaken our country morally."
JIH Condemns Terrorist Attack in Saudi Arabia
Posted on 11 August 2015 by Khalid
New Delhi, Aug. 7, 2015: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has strongly condemned the terrorist attack that took place outside the mosque in the city of Asir in Saudi Arabia and said that it is a conspiracy hatched by anti-Islam forces.
In a statement to the press, Vice-President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Nusrat Ali, said that so far Saudi Arabia was spared of the violence and turmoil in the Middle East. However a spate of violent incidents seems to engulf it too like other countries into the cycle of terror and insecurity, which has caused great anxiety and apprehension in Muslims. This anxiety has been compounded because of the presence of the two Holy mosques inside Saudi Arabia.
Vice-President JIH – Nusrat Ali drew the attention of the Saudi government to carry out a high level investigation into the attack so the perpetrators of the crime and their master-minds are exposed. He also emphasized that the government of Saudi Arabia must ensure that peace and stability prevail in the entire kingdom and that the Saudis take the necessary steps to contain the divisive forces.
He offered his prayers for the martyrs and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.
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