Thursday, August 6, 2015

Invitation for First lecture in the Memory of Prof D Prempati


First Memorial Lecture

In the memory of Prof D. Prempati

On 8th August, 2015 at 5 pm, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi

Date: August 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

As many of you attended last year's condolence meeting of Prof. D. Prempati where you desired that an annual lecture series should be organized in his name. Taking forward the wishes of hundreds of friends of Prof Prempati, a Memorial Committee as been formed. This memorial committee is organizing the first Memorial Lecture on 8th August 2015 at 5 pm in Gandhi Peace Foundation, ITO, New Delhi. The topic of the lecture is "Democracy and Fascism" which was one of his key concerns.

Looking at the present political situation, this discussion will take us to wider political debates on Hindutva and its threats on democracy and diversity of India. Dr. Manzoor Alam, Chairman of Institute of Objective Studies, will be delivering the lecture along with Anil Chamdia, Editor, Mass Media, and Anand Swaroop Verma, Editor, Samkalin Teesri Dunia.

We invite you to be part of this lecture and also request you to kindly write back a word of confirmation.

Thanking You




Y. Narayana Swamy                                                                    Arun Majji

Convener, Prof D. Prempati  Memorial Committee             Gen. Secretary, New Democratic Party Of India

Phone:  08019584947                                                              Phone: 09968075054   

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