Thursday, August 6, 2015

Human Rights Forum Hyderabad unit 6th conference on 29th August 2015. Saturday

Dear friends, please block your date to attend human rights forum hyderabad unit 6th conference also spread the word among other friends who are interested

Date :29th August 2015. Saturday

Place: Mini Hall, Sundaraiah Vignana Kendram. Baglingampally, Hyderabad

Time: 10am to 5pm

Morning session:
S. Jeevan Kumar will speak on "situation of human rights in Telangana"

Professor Harjindar Singh will speak on "Language as human right"

Lunch at 2pm

Afternoon session:
V.S.Krishna will speak on "contemporary human rights concern in both Telugu states"

Dr. K. Baburao will speak on "Environment as human right"

There will be internal programme at 4pm for election of new committee and for secretary report

Make sure to find time to attend this interesting lectures. Also inform others who are interested

Regards, Karthik Navayan

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