Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rajasthan's Nagaur district is the new dalit slaughterhouse

Another Khairlanji!

Rajasthan's Nagaur district is the new dalit slaughterhouse

Bhanwar Meghwanshi

The following is a detailed account of the happenings leading to and on the 14th of May 2015 at village Dangawas, describing an attack by the powerful Jats on dalits – murdering 4 of them by the use of tractors, molesting their women, seriously injuring several others and setting to fire their homes. This report has been prepared after intensive fact finding exercises. Currently Rajasthan is seeing several protests and demands of an independent CBI inquiry  and compensation for the affected dalits families of what is perhaps the most serious and massive attack on Dalits in recent history,  reminding one of the Khairlanji massacre

Less than 250 km away from the capital city of Jaipur,  the Jat - dominated Nagaur is home to several recent Dalit atrocities. If one were to examine the kind of atrocities perpetrated in the last year alone, one's heart would scream out. It is hard to believe that independent India is host to such crimes today. Such brutality and cruelty of unimaginable proportions inflicted by one community on another might put Taliban and other terrorist groups to shame!  Is this even possible in a democratic state? Apparently yes, with the political and administrative system that initially refused to even take notice of the happenings.

Nagaur: The epicenter of this calamity

In Baswani village of Nagaur district, just a month ago, the hut of a Dalit family was burnt down by the Dewasis – a community belonging to the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category. An old dalit woman was burnt to death in this fire and two others seriously injured, who were then sent to the government hospital in Jodhpur for treatment. In Langod village of Nagaur, another incident of a Dalit being buried alive has recently surfaced. In Mundasar, a dalit woman was allegedly pushed over the hot silencer of a tractor and in Hirdoda village, a dalit bridegroom was pushed off the horse during his 'bindoli'- a practice common in weddings - and beaten up for daring to adopt the savarna tradition of horse-trotting.

The Jat-land of Rajasthan is home to such inhuman treatment of dalits that can put even khap panchayats and Tughlak's diktats look tame in comparison.  It is home to such lawlessness, the vaccum of which is occupied by the will of the powerful Jats who set all the rules here!

Dangawas: the laboratory of experiments for atrocities

Nagaur district, tehsil Medta, village Dangawas.  Very near the city. Houses 120 dalit families and 1600 Jat families. Only 2 kms away from the tehsil headquarters. In this same village, there have been 4 recent instances of dalit atrocities, the most brutal of which is this recent one.

A year ago, the Jats of this area had allegedly murdered the Madan, son of Gabru Meghwal, and not a sound escaped the village – the case was buried right there! Thereafter, 6 months ago, Chenaram son of Mohan Lal Meghwal was attacked due to which he lost both his legs.  Every one of these cases has been weak although the offenses have been grave, with little or no police investigation.


The local Dalits of the area say that those who set the dalit woman on fire in Baswani village could not be identified. The other cases could not be proceeded against either because in all cases the perpretrators of these crimes were powerful Jats of the area. To make things worse, the administration too composes mostly Jats. Here the police thanedar, the tehsildar are Jats and the politicians too serve the Jat interests. How would these people in office  act against members of their own community? Over years this subordination continues, and nobody dares to raise a voice against the Jats. If someone does, their voice is quickly silenced.

How about we take your life in return for your land?

In spite of the existence of Rajasthan Tenancy Act Section 42(b) which governs land laws for dalits, most of the Dalit land continues to be in the actual occupancy of Jat land mafias, who rampantly carry out fake transactions. Whenever a dalit asks for land rights, he is silenced by the mafia.

One such case is that of the atrocity-specialist village in question  -  Dangawas  - where Bastiram Meghwal, a dalit who owned 23 bighas 5 biswas of land which was mortgaged at merely Rs. 1500 under the condition that Chimnaram Jat would cultivate and take the yield at no payment of land rent. That whenever Bastiram Meghwal's financial condition would improve, Bastiram would get back his land from Chimnaram. So what happened when Bastiram did earn some money and demanded his land back? The greedy Chimnaram Jat along with his sons Omaram and Kanaram refused to return it to him! Why would they return it? After all, the land had by then increased in value and the dalits in any case have a weak voice.  At first the Dalits appealed to them, placed the matter in front of the whole village for justice but on realizing the stubbornness of the Jats, Bastiram was forced to take legal recourse. So about 30 years ago, the case went to Medta court, and while Bastiram passed away before the case was concluded, his son Ratnaram continued the legal battle and won back the land at court. In 2006, the land was transferred to the name of Ratnaram. After this legal victory, Ratnaram built both a pukka house and a kuchha hut and began living here with his family.

Recently, on 20 April 2015, the two sons of Chimnaram Jat - Omaram and Kanaram began constructing a water reservoir on this land – now rightfully belonging to Ratnaram - and cut down a few Khejdi trees.  When the owner Ratnaram objected to this, the two allegedly fled from the place after threatening him and his whole family. On 21st April 2015, Omaram Kanaram and a few others attempted to sexually assault one of the dalit women – a young widow - who they found sleeping in a hit. The police refused to register an FIR of this, but on pursuance, Medta Court issued an order to the station to register the case. In fact on 30 April 2015, this young widow even appeared before the SP of Nagaur district complaining of her FIR not being registered. Finally on May 1 2015 a case was registered at Medta thana (Case number 147/15)  but again , neither a serious investigation nor any action was taken by the police.

 At this, Ratnaram went to the police station to file an FIR against the land encroachment, but the thanedar, a Jat himself, did not act on this complaint. On 11th May 2015, an application was submitted by the dalits seeking protection to their lives to the police station, in light of the impending Jat caste panchayat due the next day, and the prevelant tensions in the village. But this warning too seems to have been ignored by the police.

The inhuman silent massacre begins

The Jats called for a panchayat on 12th of May to resolve the issue of land, but because Ratnaram and his brother Pancharam were not present this was annulled and postponed to 14th of May, with a stronger resolve by the Jats of reaching a decision on this day by hook or by crook. When the meeting finally took place, it was unanimously decided by the Jats that the Dalits should be taught a lesson – that they should be displaced from their land at any cost, come what may and that they would employ any means to achieve this end.

At this time, the dalits meanwhile were waiting to be summoned at this meeting at their own lands/houses , but instead they saw that hundreds of Jats were approaching them with sticks in their hands, iron rods and even guns. The dalits were quickly surrounded and attacked. Some Jats came on their tractors and began demolishing the dalit houses.


The bullets were NOT fired by the dalits

While the dalits were being attacked by sticks, iron rods and other weapons of the Jats, one of the attackers aimed his gun to fire at Munnaram, the son of Ratnaram, but before he fired, Munnaram was attacked from behind by Rampal Goswami and Munnaram fell in the attack, so the bullet shot missed Munnaram and hit Rampal Goswami instead, who had come along with the Jat mob. With the death of Rampal Goswami, the Jats got even more infuriated and crossed all the limits of humanity,  and what followed has been one of the most brutal attacks on the history of dalits in India - perhaps worse than the Khairlanji massacre.

The atrocity innovations : use of tractors to crush humans and the use of sticks to burn eyes and private parts

Tractors, normally used on fields for agriculture, were now employed to crush the unarmed Dalits, and in this demonish attack, 3 dalits were crushed and died instantly. Amongst those who died was a labour leader Pokarram, who had infact come to the village that very day to meet his relatives along with his brother Ganpat Meghwal. Pokarram's assassination was perhaps the most brutal - he was crushed under the tractor, his private parts injured and burning pieces of wood inserted into his eyes.

The women were molested - their private parts were targeted and injured in this attack.

Overall in this attack, 5 people were killed (1 died subsequently on 23rd May at the hospital), 12 whose limbs were broken, 1 tractor-trolley and 4 motorcycles set to fire. One house attacked, another kuchha hut set to fire, property from these places stolen. For about an hour this war - this dance of death - raged on.

The police station was a mere 4 km away, but the police arrived after the attack was carried out. An ambulance was called to rush the dalits to the hospital and even these attempts were objected to by the Jats.


This was not sudden, but it was a preplanned conspiracy

The Nagaur police and administration have been attempting to play down the crime by describing it as a bloody land dispute that ended in war. However, this is nothing short of a prolonged, a sustained and serious caste atrocity. Arjun Ram 's weak, diluted FIR on behalf of the dalits has been registered by the police. This FIR fails to mention the misbehaviour with Pokarram nor so much as mentions the sexual assault of the Dalit women. 

This gives rise to suspicions that everything has been preplanned - from the mob that gathered to the bullet shots at Rampal Goswami - everything. To some extent they have been successful at suppressing the Dalits too - they have made sure that the bolder voices amongst the Dalits are murdered and have broken the limbs of several other Dalit men and women - so that they remain handicapped for life. What the Dalit women tolerated and went through that night is beyond imagination. The conspiracy has been planned such that the Dalits would never gather enough courage to return to their land, or recover from this episode. And that if even they did, they could be trapped with criminal proceedings for the murder of Rampal Goswami.

Jats not ashamed of what happened!

While some human rights organizations are beginning to take notice, the government did not visit this village for upto 3 days after the crime. Jats here are so powerful that few would dare to act against their wish. Shockingly, on the contrary, several of the Jats were found to be congratulating each other on social media, over Whatsapp and Facebook about their victory, discussing the need to show down Dalits their 'place in society', and that how after reservations and the SC ST Act, the Dalit voices had become too bold for the rest of the society to tolerate! They have been boasting to each other celebratory stories of victory - of how the brave Jats painfully massacred a Dalit, or of how the lowly Dalit women were taught a lesson, or how burning pieces of wood were inserted into the eyes of Dalits.

At Medta thana, an FIR has been registered about these hateful comments and an investigation is to begin soon.

CBI enquiry being demanded to bring out the truth

Given that the local administration is predominantly Jat, many protesting groups since the barbarous incident have been demanding an independent CBI inquiry in order to ensure a fair, free and impartial trial.  Recently, a representation of the dalit activists met with the Home Minister Gulabchand Kataria to demand the same. In response, the case has been handed to the CID Crime Branch – which is again under the state department, under Rajasthan Police. One wonders - why would the government not give in to people's demands of an independent CBI inquiry, outside of the state's power and control?  Given the sensitivity and gravity of the issue, independence of the justice dispensation process is absolutely important.

Rajasthan witnesses an outpouring of protests

In various parts of Rajasthan, people have been taking out silent protest marches to condemn the dalit attacks. Today at Barmer about 5000 people held protests. However it is equally important for the Jat community to condemn these attacks. Instead, the Jats seem to be reorganizing themselves – they held a meeting yesterday where far from condemning the attacks by their community members on the dalits, they have raised concerns over risks and threats to their community.

When one of the dalits hospitalized – Ganpatram Meghwal – on 23rd May 2015 – succumbed to his injuries and lost his life, the thousands of people protesting at Ajmer gathered at JLM Hospital and refused to take his body until they were assured of a CBI inquiry. They have been in a sit-in since 48 hours.

A strong message must be sent out to protect the scheduled castes of the country

 In Rajasthan, 34/200 MLAs are dalits belonging to the BJPs. Of these, 16 are in fact Meghwals – the very community attacked. Interestingly, not one of them has spoken up yet! In Parliament, out of the 4 dalit MPs of Rajasthan, 2 are Meghwals. Neither of them has spoken up either.  One wonders –  who really are these dalit political leaders answerable  to, if they are not concerned with raising the question of their own community when it is under such brazen attack?

If we are to seek justice, we will need to take to the streets even more, and scream until our voices are heard, until the perpetrators are punished by law. Future generations must at least live without fear, if not with dignity yet.  How many more lives would it take before the dalits get justice, if at all? Is not death by tractors barbaric enough for everyone to sit up, take notice and pledge to never allow this to happen again?

Bhanwar Meghwanshi and Janani Sridharan

(the writers are activists with the MKSS and TISS) 

On May 24, 2015 7:55 PM, "Palash Biswas" <> wrote:

Rihai Manch Press Note- भाजपा के मनुवादी एजेण्डे के तहत हुआ नागौर और शिरडी में दलितों पर हमला - रिहाई मंच

For Resistance Against Repression
भाजपा के मनुवादी एजेण्डे के तहत हुआ नागौर और शिरडी में दलितों पर हमला
- रिहाई मंच
नियुक्तियों में भ्रष्टाचार और भूमि अधिग्रहण जैसी जनविरोधी नीतियों वाली
यूपी सरकार धरना स्थल बदलकर दबाना चाहती है लोकतांत्रिक आवाजों को

लखनऊ, 24 मई 2015। राजस्थान में नागौर जिले के कई गावों में हुए दलित
उत्पीड़न और शिरडी में संविधान निर्माता अंबेडकर के गाने का रिंगटोन बजने
पर दलित युवक की हत्या को रिहाई मंच ने फासिस्ट शक्तियों की क्रूरता का
एक और उदाहरण कहते हुए दोषियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की मांग की। मंच ने
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा धरने-प्रदर्शन के स्थल को विधानभवन से फिर से
दूर करने के प्रस्ताव को प्रदेश में लोकतंत्र की हत्या करार देते हुए कहा
कि सरकार को खतरा है कि उसकी जनविरोधी नीतियों के खिलाफ किसान-युवा एक
जुट हो रहा है ऐसे में उसने धरना स्थल को दूर कर उनकी आवाज को दबाने की
कोशिश कर रही है।

रिहाई मंच नेता राजीव यादव ने कहा कि राजस्थान के नागौर जिले के बसमानी,
लंगोड, मुंडासर, हिरडोदा गांव में दलितों के घरों में अगलगी, दलितों को
जिंदा जलाने और दफन करने और महिलाओं के साथ बदसलूकी की घटना, शिरडी में
संविधान निर्माता अंबेडकर के गाने का रिंगटोन बजने पर दलित युवक सागर
शेजवाल की हत्या तो वहीं पिछले दिनों मुंबई में मुस्लिम समुदाय के होने
के कारण जीशान को नौकरी न देने के कंपनी के फरमान के प्रकरण साफ कर रहे
हैं कि देश में फासिस्ट ताकतों के हौसले बुलंद हैं। जिस तरीके से पिछले
दिनों यूपी में शाहजहांपुर के जलालाबाद के हरेवां गांव में दलित महिलाओं
को निर्वस्त्र कर घुमाया गया वह साफ करता है कि मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान,
गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र जैसे भाजपा नीति सरकारों और यूपी-बिहार जैसे जगहों की
सरकारें दलित, आदिवासी, मुस्लिम समाज की उत्पीड़न पर एक मत हैं। उन्होंने
कहा कि विकास के नाम पर केन्द्र में आई भाजपा सरकार के एक वर्ष के
कार्यकाल के बाद केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा विकास का ढोल पीटकर असलियत को
छुपाने की कोशिश हो रही है। विकास का सीधा संबन्ध वंचित तबके से होता है,
जबकि हाल यह है कि केन्द्र में भाजपा सरकार बनने के बाद उससे उसके जीने
का अधिकार भी छीना जा रहा है।

रिहाई मंच कार्यकारिणी सदस्य अनिल यादव ने राज्य लोकसेवा आयोग, पुलिस
कर्मियों की भर्तियों समेत पूरे सूबे में नियुक्तियों में धांधली और
प्रदेश में फिल्म सिटी, स्मार्ट सीटी, ट्रंास गंगा सिटी जैसी विकास के
नाम पर किसानों के विस्थापन की परियोजनाओं के खिलाफ बढ़ रहे जनता के
असंतोष को देखते हुए सरकार द्वारा धरना स्थल को विधानभवन से और अधिक दूर
करने के निर्णय को लोकतंत्र की हत्या करार दिया। उन्होंने कहा कि बसपा
सरकार के दौरान धरना स्थल हटाए जाने पर मुलायम सिंह ने लोहिया के कथन को
दोहराया था कि जिंदा कौमें पांच साल तक इंतजार नहीं करती। ऐसे में लोहिया
को भूलकर कारपोरेट की गोद में खेलने वाले मुलायम सिंह और उनके कुनबे को
यह सनद रहना चाहिए कि लोकतंत्र मुल्क की नींव है और इस नींव को कमजोर
करने की कोशिश को अवाम बर्दाश्त नहीं करेगी। उन्होंने कहा कि लोकसेवा
आयोग के अध्यक्ष द्वारा क्षेत्र विशेष के जाति विशेष की नियुक्तियों और
अध्यक्ष की नियुक्ति, परीक्षाओं के पेपर लीक प्रकरण में सपा सरकार की
आपराधिक भूमिका है। सूबे में विभिन्न नियुक्तियों में जाति विशेष के
लोगों की नियुक्ति कर सपा चुनावी ध्रवीकरण का खेल-खेल रही है। जबकि
वास्तविकता जनता जानती है कि इन नियुक्तियों में किस तरीके से मुलायम
सिंह और उनके कुनबे के क्षेत्रों से ही नियुक्तियां और लेन-देन का
कारोबार हुआ है। अनिल यादव ने कहा कि जब उन्नाव में 23 से अधिक किसानों
की पिछले दो महीनों में आत्महत्या व दिल का दौरा पड़ने व सदमें से मौत हो
गई है ऐसे में फिल्म सिटी के नाम पर 300 एकड़, ट्रांस गंगा सिटी के नाम
पर 1100 एकड़ भूमि अधिग्रहण की अखिलेश सरकार की नीति ने साफ कर दिया है
कि उनके पास युवाओं और किसानों के लिए कोई नीति नहीं है। अखिलेश यादव
बताएं कि फिल्म सिटी बनाकर वह किसानों की लाचारी और भुखमरी पर फिल्में
बनवाएंगे क्या।

द्वारा जारी
शाहनवाज आलम
प्रवक्ता, रिहाई मंच
Office - 110/46, Harinath Banerjee Street, Naya Gaaon Poorv, Laatoosh
Road, Lucknow

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