Wednesday, May 13, 2015

NCPU Annual Meeting, 2015


NCPU Annual Meeting, 2015

Date:   June 14, 2015, Sunday

Time:  3 pm to 8 pm

Press Club, Gandhinagar,

Well, it's still 2 months away, but now that the Railways have changed the booking timings to 4 months in advance, we thought it would be best to inform all of you about the dates at least 2 months in advance so that those of you who are outside VIJAYAWADA and would like to join us for this important review meeting and share your thoughts with us can block your dates and book your tickets well in advance. You should have no trouble in getting a reservation. If indeed you are planning to come down, do stay with us. 

As those of you who have been in touch with us for the past few years know, the NCPU Annual Meeting is a once-a-year event, which is quite a memorable event and all of us look forward to it. It involves quite a lot of preparation as we present reports of our activities of the past year and present plans for the coming year. Summing up our activities for the past year involves a lot of effort as we are a very active group, the range and quantity of our activities is quite vast. Apart from that, to prevent the meeting from getting boring, we intersperse the presentation of reports with cultural programs by our cultural group. Our cultural group has considerably matured over the years and so the cultural programs are quite good.

On the whole, the annual meeting is a day long affair, the meeting starts at 3 in the afternoon and while it officially is supposed to end at 8 pm, it goes on till9 pm or so, as the interactions are quite intense.

Looking forward to to having you with us for this very important, informative and enjoyable program, 

in solidarity, 

A.P.Abdul Rahman 
National Council for Political Unity
All India Convenor
4 A, LOTUS Legend Apartment,
Kummaripalam Centre,
 You can also email us at

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