SN |
O.M. No. O.M. Date |
Subject |
Click Here For
1. |
No. 1/44/2009-IR 13/02/2014 |
Electronic Indian Postal Order-extension of service to Indian Citizens residing in India.
2. |
NA 05/02/2014 |
Guidelines for Right to Information Fellowship.
3. |
No. 1/31/2013-IR 08/01/2014 |
dated 20.11.2013 of the High Court of Kolkata in Writ Petition
No.33290 of 2013 in the Case of Mr Avishek Goenka Vs Union of India
regarding Personal details of RTI applications-Circulation of.
4. |
NA 08/01/2014 |
National Workshop on Right to Information 9th January, 2014.
5. |
No. 1/6/2011-IR 10/12/2013 |
Guidelines on implementation of suo-motu disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - Compliance of.
6. |
No. 1/32/2013-IR 28/11/2013 |
Guide on the Right to Information Act, 2005 - Updated Version.
7. |
No. 1/6/2011-IR 21/11/2013 |
Guidelines for suo motu disclosure by state govt.
8. |
1/22/2013-IR 01/11/2013 |
on Internship for Undergraduates pursing five year integrated course in
Law or graduates pursuing Bachelors dergree in Law under the Centrally
sponsored Scheme on Improving Transparency and Accountability in
government through effective implementation of Right to Information Act
for the year 2012-2013
9. |
No. 1/44/2009-IR 07/10/2013 |
Extending the facility of e-IPO for payment of RTI fee in Indian Missions by Indian citizens abroad.
10. |
No. 1/13/2013-IR 27/09/2013 |
Note on Amendment to the RTI Act, 2005 in the light of the Decision of
Central Information Commission dated 03.06.2013 in the case of political
11. |
No. 11/2/2013-IR (Pt.) 14/08/2013 |
Disclosure of personal information under the RTI Act, 2005.
12. |
No. 1/1/2013-IR 12/08/2013 |
Extension of RTI web portal for online filling of RTI application.
13. |
No.1/1/2013-IR 30/07/2013 |
Extension of RTI web portal for online filling of RTI application.
14. |
No. 1/6/2012-IR 18/07/2013 |
on Awareness Generation and Capacity building components of the
Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Improving Transparency and Accountability
in government through effective implementation of Right to Information
Act for the year 2013-2014 to 2015-2016
15. |
No.1/3/2013-IR 15/07/2013 |
Publishing of Compendium of Best Practices on RTI - Further Extension of last date for submission of write-ups.
16. |
No.4/3/2013-IR 31/05/2013 |
Appointment of Information Commissioners in the Central Information Commission.
17. |
No.1/26/2012-IR 21/05/2013 |
Replies to Additional Queries raised regarding 360 degree study on implementation of RTI Act.
18. |
No.1/1/2013-IR 22/04/2013 |
Launch of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application.
19. |
No. 1/6/2011-IR 15/04/2013 |
Implementation of suo motu disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - Issue of guidelines regarding.
20. |
No.1/1/2013-IR 15/04/2013 |
Hiring of Personnel for Project Monitoring Unit.
21. |
No. 1/26/2012-IR 11/04/2013 |
A 360 degree study on implementation of RTI Act, 2005
22. |
No. 1/8/2012-IR 03/04/2013 |
Suo motu disclosure on official tours of Ministers and other officials.
23. |
No. 1/44/2009-IR 22/03/2013 |
Electronic Indian Postal Order - launching of.
24. |
No.G-14019/2/Cash/11 22/03/2013 |
Sub moto disclosure on official tours of the Officers on the Website of DOPT.
25. |
No. 12/31/2013-IR 11/02/2013 |
Timely intimation about payment of additional fee under RTI Act 2005.
26. |
No. 1/37/2009-IR 07/01/2013 |
Quarterly progress on the flagship programmes under the DMU mechanism.
27. |
No. 1/41/2009-IR(Vol.III) 29/11/2012 |
Retendering of the RTI Call Centre and Portal Project.
28. |
No. 1/21/2012-IR 15/10/2012 |
on Internship for Undergraduates pursuing five year integrated course
in Law under the Centrally sponsored Scheme on - Improving Transparency
and Accountability in government through effective implementation of
Right to Information Act, for the year 2012-2013.
29. |
No. 1/8/2012-IR 11/09/2012 |
Suo motu disclosure on official tours of Ministers and other officials.
30. |
1/12/2010-IR 02/08/2012 |
Financial Assistance for setting up RTI Cells
31. |
No. 1/41/2009-IR(Vol.III) 17/07/2012 |
Bank Guarantee for Bid Security and extension of last date for RTI Call Centre and Portal.
32. |
No. 1/41/2009-IR(Vol.III) 13/07/2012 |
Stabilization period of the project RTI Call Centre and Portal.
33. |
No. 1/41/2009-IR(Vol.II) 02/07/2012 |
RTI Call Centre - Last Date for Receiving Proposals.
34. |
No. 1/41/2009-IR(Vol.III) 21/06/2012 |
Pre-Bid Conference of the project RTI Call Centre and Portal.
35. |
No.1/6/2012-IR 04/06/2012 |
on Awareness Generation and Capacity Building Components of Centrally
Sponsored Scheme on Improving transparency and accountability in
government through effective implementation of Right to Information.
36. |
No. 1/21/2011-IR 27/03/2012 |
Award of RTI fellowship.
37. |
No. 1/21/2011-IR 12/01/2012 |
RTI fellowship 2012 - Corrigendum
38. |
No. 1/27/2011-IR 26/12/2011 |
on Internship for Undergraduates pursuing five year integrated course
in Law under the Centrally sponsored Scheme on Improving Transparency
and Accountability in government through effective implementation of
Right to Information Act for the year 2011-2012.
39. |
4/26/2009-IR 29/10/2011 |
Appointment of Information Commissioners in the Central Information Commission.
40. |
No.1/18/2011-IR 16/09/2011 |
of Honourable Supreme Court on Right to Information Act, 2005 in Civil
Appeal no.6454 of 2011, arising out of SLP (C) No.7526/2009 in the case
of Central Board of Secondary Education and Anr.Vs. Aditya Bandopadhyay
and Ors.
41. |
No. 1/6/2011-IR 01/06/2011 |
Minutes of the meeting of the Task Force constituted for effect implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 - regarding.
42. |
No. 4/8/2011-IR 20/05/2011 |
Laying of Annual Reports of the Central Information Commission before the Houses of Parliament.
43. |
No. 1/7/2009-IR 20/05/2011 |
dated 03.04.2008 of the High Court of Bombay at Goa in Writ Petition
No. 419 of 2007 in the case of Dr. Celsa Pinto Vs. Goa State Information
Commission regarding Information under the Right to Information Act,
44. |
No. 1/12/2010-IR 19/05/2011 |
Effective Implementation of RTI Act, 2005-Setting up of RTI Cells.
45. |
No. 4/10/2011-IR 18/05/2011 |
Strengthening Implementation of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
46. |
No. F.10/9/2008-IR 26/04/2011 |
Payment of fee under the RTI Act by Indian Postal Order.
47. |
No. F.1/5/2011-IR 26/04/2011 |
Harmonization of fee payable under the Right to Information Act.2005.
48. |
1/28/2010-IR 01/03/2011 |
Offer of Award of Right to Information Fellowship.
49. |
No.A-33092/1/2011-ISTM(RTI) 19/01/2011 |
Transparency and accountability through effective implementation of the
Right to Information Act-2005 unde Central Sector Scheme.
50. |
No. 1/35/2008-IR 10/12/2010 |
Amendment to RTI Rules.
51. |
NA 02/11/2010 |
52. |
F. No. 17/1/2010-IR 25/10/2010 |
Approach Paper for a legal framework for Data Protection and Security and Privacy Norms - Reg.
53. |
No.17/1/2010-IR 18/10/2010 |
Approach paper for a legislation on privacy.
54. |
No. F. 10/2/2008-IR 24/09/2010 |
RTI applications received by a public authority regarding information concerning other public authority - authorities.
55. |
F.No. 1/6/2010-IR 16/08/2010 |
on Awareness Generation and Capacity building components of the Central
Sector Scheme on Improving Transparency and Accountability in
government through effective implementation of Right to Information Act.
56. |
na 21/07/2010 |
Summary of the proceeding of the
Workshop on Legal Framework for privacy, Data Protection and Security
57. |
NA 02/07/2010 |
Delhi High Court Judgment dated 21.5.2010
58. |
No. 12/9/2009-IR 24/05/2010 |
Payment of fee under the Right to Information Act, 2005 - scope of sub-section (3) of Section 7 of the Act.
59. |
No. 8/2/2010-IR 27/04/2010 |
Disclosure of third party information under the RTI Act, 2005.
60. |
No. F. 2/7/2006-IR 16/04/2010 |
Summary of the Proceeding of Brainstorming with Civil Society Organisations - regarding
61. |
No.11/13/2009-IR 17/03/2010 |
of Officers of State Information Commission for Training on RTI under
Centrally Sponosored Plan Scheme on Strengthening, Capacity Building and
Awareness Generation for effective implemenation of the RTI.
62. |
No.11/13/2009-IR 17/03/2010 |
days Training on RTI for the Nodal Officers/CPIOs under the Centrally
Sponsored Plan Scheme on Strengthening, Capacity Building and Awareness
Generation for effective implementation of the RTI Act.
63. |
No. 12/192/2009-IR 20/01/2010 |
Maintenance of records in consonance with Section 4 of the RTI Act.
64. |
No. 1/4/2009-IR 05/10/2009 |
Guide on the Right to Information Act, 2005.
65. |
No. 1/33/2009 06/08/2009 |
of the Pre-Bid Meeting with the Organisations Shortlisted for Study on
Proactive Disclosure held under the Chairmanship of JS(AT&A) on 3rd
August, 2009.
66. |
No. 1/23/2008-IR 06/08/2009 |
of the Pre-Bid Meeting with the Organisations shortlisted for Knowledge
Partner and National Resource Centre held under the Chairmanship of
JS(AT&A) on 3rd August, 2009.
67. |
No.1/20/2009-IR 23/06/2009 |
Clarification on disclosure of file noting under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
68. |
No. 1/7/2009-IR 01/06/2009 |
dated 3.4.2008 of the High Court of Bombay at Goa in Writ Petition No.
419 of 2007 in the case of Dr. Celsa Pinto Vs. Goa State Information
Commission regarding information under the Right to Information Act,
69. |
No. 10/2/2008-IR 01/06/2009 |
RTI applications received by a public authority relating to information concerning other public authority/authorities.
70. |
No. 1/1/2009-IR 22/05/2009 |
Clarification on constitution of Bench by Central Information Commission (CIC).
71. |
No. 1/1/2009-IR 22/05/2009 |
Clarification on constitution of Bench by State Information Commission (SIC).
72. |
No. 1/23/2008-IR 05/01/2009 |
for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Knowledge Partner and National
Resource Centre for Implementing the Centrally Sponsored Plan Scheme on
`Strengthening, Capacity Building and Awareness Generation for effective
implementation of the RTI Act'.
73. |
No. 1/33/2008-IR 05/01/2009 |
for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Study on the current status of
Proactive Disclosures under section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 in Public
Authorities of the Central Government across the country.
74. |
No. F.10/9/2008-IR 05/12/2008 |
Payment of fee under the RTI Act by demand draft/bankers cheque/Indian Postal Order.
75. |
No. 1/38/2007-IR 20/11/2008 |
Guidelines on `Plan Scheme'.
76. |
No. 1/5/2005-IR Vol.II 20/11/2008 |
up of the post of Registrar in the pay scale of Rs. 18400-22,400
(Pre-revised) in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi.
77. |
No. 1/14/2008-IR 28/07/2008 |
Clarification regarding Sub-sections (4) and (5) of Section 5 of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
78. |
No.11/2/2008-IR 10/07/2008 |
Clarification regarding format in which information should be supplied under the RTI Act, 2005.
79. |
No. 4/9/2008-IR 24/06/2008 |
Courteous behavior with the persons seeking information under the RTI Act, 2005.
80. |
1/12/2008-IR 23/06/2008 |
Initiatives for effective implementation of the RTI Act, 2005.
81. |
No. 10/2/2008-IR 12/06/2008 |
RTI applications received by a public authority regarding information concerning other public authority/authorities.
82. |
No. 13/10/2007-IR 29/04/2008 |
Special Civil Application No. 23305 of 2007 - Ahmedabad Education Society & Another Vs. UOI & Ors.
83. |
No. 1/3/2008-IR 25/04/2008 |
Guidelines for the officers designated as first appellate authority under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
84. |
No. 1/4/2008-IR 25/04/2008 |
Guidelines for the Public Authorites under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
85. |
No. 11/12/2008-IR 22/04/2008 |
Transfer of applications under the RTI Act, 2005.
86. |
No. 1/69/2007-IR 27/02/2008 |
Guidelines for the officers designated as Central Public Information Officer under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
87. |
No. 1/26/2007-IR 09/01/2008 |
Involving Non-Governmental Organisations for spreading awareness about the RTI Act, 2005.
88. |
No. 1/24/2007-IR 14/11/2007 |
Designation of the CPIOs in the Organisations specified in the second schedule of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
89. |
No. 1/32/2007-IR 14/11/2007 |
Point for receiving applications and designation of appellate authorities under the RTI Act, 2005.
90. |
No. 1/33/2007-IR 14/11/2007 |
Updating of Records - Recommendations of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission.
91. |
1/8/2007_IR 08/11/2007 |
Guidelines for information seekers under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
92. |
No. 1/14/2007-IR 31/10/2007 |
Disclosure of Information relating to occurrence/event/matter which took place 20 years back.
93. |
No. 4/16/2007-IR 05/10/2007 |
Foreign Visits of the State Chief Information Commissioners - Clarification regarding.
94. |
No. 1/18/2007-IR 21/09/2007 |
Maintenance of records and publication of information under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
95. |
No. 10/20/2006-IR 21/09/2007 |
Disclosure of Annual Confidential Reports under the RTI Act, 2005.
96. |
No. 1/12/2007-IR 31/07/2007 |
Preparation of Inventory of Public Authorities under RTI Act, 2005.
97. |
No. 10/23/2007-IR 09/07/2007 |
Disposal of first appeals under the RTI Act, 2005.
98. |
No. 1/2/2007-IR 23/03/2007 |
Non-Implementation of various provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 by public authorities - regarding
99. |
F.No. 1/4/2006-IR 21/02/2006 |
Implematation of the various provision of the RTI Act, 2005.
100. |
No. 34012/13(S)/2005-Estt.(B) 06/10/2005 |
Designation of Central Assistant Public Information Officers(CAPIOs)
101. |
NA 01/01/2005 |
Sec.4 - Template for Information Handbook.
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